
Synergetic Consulting contributes to the success
of IT businesses by integrating the business strategy, management
control and technology perspectives. This provides benefits over a
narrow view represented by only introducing the latest technology.
We assess IT business issues inclusive of market, customer, competition
and business process perspectives. We also evaluate IT issues by considering
the technology point of view (e.g., IT characteristics, limitations,
IT organization and skill sets).
Success scenarios can be developed when strategy, management control
and technology perspectives are integrated. This scenario development
approach, based on multi-disciplinary views, makes it possible to
provide senior management with the information required to make an
effective business judgment.
IT businesses that are "off -track" relative to their business
objectives will be guided back to the "right" direction.
This may include recommendations to change their formula and, if necessary,
make drastic changes from a business and/or technology perspective.